JMPD hosted drug and substance awareness event in Alexandra
JMPD Outreach Unit joined various organizations for a drug and substance awareness event at Safehub in Alexandra.

Traditional group called Amatjietjie and poets entertained attendees. Most poems were about drugs. SANCA entertained participants with different games. There was a gentleman that spoke about the use of drugs and how difficult it is stop.

Youth from around Alex were interacting with different stakeholders asking relevant questions pertaining to drugs and substance abuse.
Stakeholders involved include, COGTA, SAPS, City of Joburg, Bokamoso, Adapt Consumer Affairs, Masiphephe Network, Zazi, Be Free Development, Department of Health, Brigades FAMSA, Rays of Hope, Alex FM, Alex newspaper Department of Education, Poet, SANCA, Pastor Eunice and Lifeline