The EMPD SCPU wraps up Transport Month, with community engagements in the Kwa-Thema area

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) Social Crime Prevention Unit (SCPU) Officers, wrapped up the Transport Month in rainy weather conditions, with talks on road safety at the Duduza Rank, in the Kwa-Thema area.

With the curtain closing on Transport Month and prevailing wet weather conditions, the EMPD Officers conducted an ongoing public transport operation. The aim was to create awareness and to ensure the safety of motorists, with other road users.

Officers engaged in checking the compliance of drivers and roadworthiness of vehicles, they also ensured that, there were no overloaded minibus taxis. Furthermore, taxi owners and drivers, were schooled on the importance, of adherence to the rules of the road, including pedestrian and commuter safety.

Engagements were also made, with pedestrians or commuters, to wear visible clothing at night, to avoid walking while intoxicated and to always look in both directions, before crossing the roadways.  

The EMPD, would like to encourage motorists and road users, to always keep the spirit of Transport Month and to exercise caution, patience and respect while on the roads.

Source: Arrive Alive

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